
Monday, January 16, 2012

A couple of x-acto knives and a block of wood

Sometimes I eat here.
I thought it might be fun to document the entire process of taking a block of wood and, using only hand tools, creating a piece of art. While my passion is woodcarving, I'll also be showing other types of media that I like to dabble in. I hope to be able to give a day to day rundown of the different projects that I'm currently working on as well as showing some older work. Most of these projects are small in nature because I don't have the room for big equipment. At the moment my work space is in what used to be the dining room of my one bedroom apartment. Most of the photos that will be on this blog are being taken with my phone. I've got limited space, limited funds to do these pieces but that's not gonna stop me from doing what I love. So please come back and see what I'm up to in my little corner. Maybe you'll be amazed, maybe you'll be inspired. At the very least you can see me make a complete mess of my dining room.
Does this look like a turtle yet?


  1. Sam this is so awesome that you are doing this cant wait to see what you make.

  2. Thanks! I can't wait to see what I make too. Hopefully I won't screw it up. :)
