
Wednesday, February 8, 2012


It's been a while since I've posted anything. I've been a little under the weather lately. Saturday night I was feeling better... enough to start working on my tool box again. I got a good six hours of work in before I called it a night. Sunday, I awoke to a very swollen right wrist and a ton of pain. Hoping I just slept on it wrong, or maybe just sprained it a little, I continued on with my day. Monday rolled around and I had to go to work. Slapped a brace on it and actually work for a couple of hours before it swelled up more and a lot more pain. So I went to urgent care clinic where they gave me some pain meds, and sent me to get an x-ray. Yesterday morning I get the news - fractured wrist. What?!? I've never had a broken bone and I've had some really bad falls (fell down a flight of stairs once head first and just got bruises). I don't even know how I could have fractured it, very odd... Today I'm off to the bone and joint clinic to see what exactly they are going to do. Will keep you updated.

Well the good news is no cast. The bad news is that I have to wear this thing for awhile. That means I won't be able to work on any projects for at least 6 to 8 months, or until I get an okay from the doctor. I have to go back for another evaluation in two weeks. I was going to attempt to work on stuff anyway but my wrist simply hurts to bad to do any kind of serious work. I still plan on posting some older works and maybe do a couple of reviews of some of the equipment I use.


  1. bummer. :( hope the wrist gets better very soon!

  2. Thanks, I'm also hoping for a fast recovery. Was finally getting into a good groove with my tool box. It shouldn't keep me down for long since I tend to work through injuries, but Lisa is being a little momma hen :).

  3. Well, good for her! ;) Probably best not to strain the wrist too much since you don't seem to have a firm causation for what set off the injury in the first place...
